Experimental Research on the Effect of Ground Slag on Basic Tensile Creep of Early-age Concrete

Experimental Research on the Effect of Ground Slag on Basic Tensile Creep of Early-age Concrete

The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal 19 Aug 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874836801509010068


Tensile creep of concrete at early ages is one of the important factors that affect the stress of restrained and partly restrained concrete. But only few data are available on tensile creep of concrete. The effect of ground slag on tensile creep was studied using lever-type tensile creep tester. Early age tensile basic creep of concrete loaded at the age of 3 days was researched. Results show that concrete exhibits large creep deformation when loaded at the age of 3 days. And the addition of ground slag decreases the early age tensile creep of concrete and tensile creep of concrete decreases with the increase of the content of ground slag. But the basic rule of the development of basic tensile creep in concrete has not been changed.

Keywords: Basic tensile creep, ground slag, specific creep, concrete.